Hope jokes

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Roses are red, fishers are fishing, I really hope, you’ll be reported missing.

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I hope death is a girl that way it’ll never come for me.

Your mommas so depressed she shot herself in the head hoping she’d die

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I hope when I inevitably choke to death on gummy bears, people just say I was killed by bears and leave it at that

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How it be when the new guy takes too long… hay Danny, its me Johnny. Johnny: boss says to kill the guy in red. point the gun at his head. Danny: ok target locked. 3… 2… 1… bang. Johnny: danny hope you did not get the man in red Danny; OH MY BRO FOR REALL.

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I GAVE UP HOPE AND I LIKED IT!! I TAKE MEDS TO FEEL FANTASTIC! (i kissed a boy{but fed up lyrics})

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Friends are very important. I have lots of friends in very high places I hope the police can talk them down

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So i was sitting with my little brother and talk about our dreams. “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” I asked him. He answered “A doctor!”. I wanted to tease him so i said “I wouldn’t be treated by a doctor like you”. I was hoping he would get mad or something but instead, he calmly replied “Brother, i said doctor. Not a vet”

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Orphans always dip their Oreos in water? Hoping their dad comes back with the milk.

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I hope Stephen hawking was an organ donor cause I need some parts for my go cart

While I was out shopping i tripped in a store and a lady would not stop staring at me, for fun I said “Sorry! It’s been awhile since I’ve possessed a body.” She looked horrified.

Dads are like boomerangs... I hope!

Son: Dad why is my name Experience? Dad: Son, Experience is the name we give our mistakes.

You won’t eat a human, so why eat meat? Bold of you to presume I won’t eat a person.

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A man puts in ten jokes into a joke contest. He hopes that at least one will. Sadly, no pun InTenDid.

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How many babies does it take to shingle a roof? Depends on how thin you slice them-hope marie lawson

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