Transport jokes

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What’s yellow and cant swim?

A school bus full of screaming children.

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Why did the kid drop his ice cream cone?

Because he got hit by a bus!

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I was talking to a close friend that was Islamic.

He said he was being shipped to an amazing training.

I asked “where are you going”

He said “Camp Bin Laden”

I asked “what do they do there”

He answered “they got bomb training and hand to hand combat training. Plus the got arts and crafts.”

I asked “what do you mean by arts and crafts?”

He said “see this towel on my head” I nodded “I made it out of boxer jokes”

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Why was the train late?

It kept getting side-tracked.

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Ten Catholic priests all die in a bus accident. When they arrive at the pearly gates, St. Peter acknowledges them. He sees that they’re all priests and immediately says "If any of you are pedophiles, there’s no point waiting here. You might as well eff off straight to hell right now!” Nine of the priests turn around and begin to walk away. St. Peter calls after them, "AND TAKE THE DEAF BASTARD WITH YOU TOO!”

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The first trains were often derailed. They had a bad track record.

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My boss yelled at me the other day, “You’ve got to be the worst train driver in history. How many trains did you derail last year?

I said, “Can’t say for sure, it’s so hard to keep track!”

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Little Johnny was playing with his train and said all you motherfckers who want to get off get off and all you motherfckers who want to get on get on his mother here’s him and said is that you cussing. The mother said go to your room for 1 hour little Johnny goes to his room then little johnny comes back one hour later and said all you motherfckers who wanna get off get off and all you motherfckers who wanna get on get on and if you wanna know about the 1 hour delay go ask the b*tch in the kitchen.

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