Transport jokes

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Timmy has 5 apples,

His train is 7 minutes early

Calculate the mass of the sun

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What’s yellow and can’t swim? A bus full of children

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Why do school shooter have the best shots??? They train at the best schools.???

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Why did the strawberry?? go out with a banana? Because it could not find a date

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What is yellow and can’t swim

A school bus full of children

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A man shot into a crowd at the train station and didn’t hit one person, when the police asked why he missed, someone said cause he gay.

He couldn’t shoot straight

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What’s the difference between a dirty bus stop and a lobster with boobs? – One is a crusty bus station and the other is a busty crustacean.

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I was on a bus when this girl offered to blow me for $5…

?…and never being a person to pass up a good deal, I gave her $5 and watched her do her thing. After she was finished she lit up a cigarette and started smoking right there on the bus.

I was disgusted. I thought to myself, “What is this world coming to? Who sells cigarettes to a 12 year old?”

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Do your buses run on time? No, they run on diesel.

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Why did Billy drop his ice cream? Cause he got hit by a bus

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