Dream jokes

%%The teacher is asking you a question. Teacher: If your biggest dream came true, what would you be? Me: dead.

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Whats an orphans dream job? A builder, to build themselves a home.

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So i was sitting with my little brother and talk about our dreams. “What do you wanna be when you grow up?” I asked him. He answered “A doctor!”. I wanted to tease him so i said “I wouldn’t be treated by a doctor like you”. I was hoping he would get mad or something but instead, he calmly replied “Brother, i said doctor. Not a vet”

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You don’t have a forehead you have a five head.

You don’t have dreams you have movies.

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Stressed Out-By- Twenty One Pilots and watersharky Music Productions-I wish I found some better sounds No one’s ever heard I wish I had a better voice That sang some better words I wish I found some chords In an order that is new I wish I didn’t have to rhyme Every time I sang I was told when I get older All my fears would shrink But now I’m

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I had a dream about a car, and I woke up exhausted

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My friend dreamed of being a porno star. He did it for 3 months and decided it was not for him The next job he got was pumping petrol, halfway through filling up, he pulled the hose out and started spraying all over the car!

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One of the most popular documentaries of the 2010’s was ‘Jiro Dreams of Sushi’.

One of the least popular documentaries was ‘Jiro’s Nightmare of Ass-Rape’.

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